Is our climate changing?

Climate change effect the whole world


Is Our Climate Changing?

Climate change is an entirely natural process that occurs over time. The Earth's climate C has many was a when the temperature on Earth had dropped so low that it was covered with ice. Today, many scientists think that the Earth's temperature is increasing. This increase is largely due to us and the things that we do. Of course, it is difficult to separate climate change which is natural, from one that is brought about by us and our activities

How is it possible that we can change the climate? If we look closely at what we have been doing to keep ourselves comfortable and to produce food and the things we use everyday, we will better understand how we can bring about climate change. We are highly dependent on electricity in almost all areas of our lives. To make electricity, coal, natural gas or oil is burnt. Burning of these fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When there is a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. more. heat is trapped and therefore there is a higher global temperature. This has created an enhanced greenhouse effect. 

Evidence of climatic change

How do scientists know that there is a climate change? They study things such as the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the temperature, and measure the sea level. Data is collected for many years and the scientists make comparisons to see if any changes have occurred.

Scientists have observed that the temperature on Earth has increased. Even the temperature

of the oceans has increased. 


What will happen if you do not water your garden for a few weeks? Your plants will start to wilt and die and the soil will dry up. What happens when there is no rain for a long period of time at a place? Everything will slowly dry up, just like your garden-the ground, plants, rivers and streams. This is what happens when there is a drought. A drought is a long period without water. It can occur anywhere. Unlike other disasters such as a hurricane or flood, a drought does not happen suddenly and end suddenly. It often develops slowly but can cause long-term harmful effects on humans and the environment (Figure 6.25).


When there is no rain, droughts occur. What happens when there is too much water? When there is too much water, rivers cannot contain the water. The water overflows the banks of rivers, flowing onto the surrounding land. The ground cannot absorb it and the water runs into the rivers adding to the already excess water. When there is too much water, a flood occurs.

Where does the huge amount of water come from? The water can be a result of heavy rain or snow melt. Even rain that is very heavy but last for only a few hours can cause flooding. The rise in temperature during the spring season melts the ice and snow accumulated in winter. The huge amount of water flows into the rivers and if the river cannot contain all the water, flooding takes place.

Floods are the most destructive, most frequent and most costly of the natural disasters. Floods destroy crops, homes, roads and buildings, and lives may be lost. Farmers lose their crops and animals when their farms are flooded. People lose their homes and belongings, as buildings go under the water. Even if the houses remain standing after the flood has subsided, it costs money to clean up and to rebuild. Roads sometimes are washed away by the floodwater. The force of the floodwater can be so great that everything in its path is washed away, like the floods that hit Pakistan in 2010.


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