How acid rain forms and its effect on living things.

Acid rain

 Acid rain:

When oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen mix with rain water and forms sulphuric acid and nitric acid its is called acid rain.

Causes of acid rain.

We use fossils fuel in our automobiles and factories to power them by the burning of this fuel oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen released in to our atmosphere and became the part of atmosphere .

These are very dangerous air pollutant which cause of acid rain.

How acid rain forms:

When oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen combines with rain water they form sulphuric acid and nitric acid .These acid comes into our earth in the form of acid rain .And we called this rain the acid rain because it is the mixture of water and acid .

Effects of acid rain :

Aquatic life:Acid rain badly effects our aquatic life because it changes the PH of water which was neutral before acid rain and after rain this water becomes acid because acid rain changes its PH.

The aquatic life like fishes etc start to die .it badly effect our food chain process

Effects on agriculture:acid rain damages our crops and effects its productivity .

Its a big loss for human beings by food and economical point of views.

It also increase the acidity of soil and make it unfit for cultivation .

Effects on tress:tress or forest are the environmental buffers because they maintain the temperature of environment at equilibrium it badly effects on tress they start to die .concentration of oxygen start to decline in our environment and the level of carbon dioxide increases .Carbon dioxide is a green house gas which increase the temperature of earth it is more dangerous for us in future.

Rusting of metal also occur by the action of acid rain .

Buildings also effected by acid rain .Taj mahal in india badly effecting by acid rain.

How we save from acid rain:we should use carbon free fossil fuel in our automobile and factories.

Best regards to All.


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