World health day 2022

 It is the health that is real wealth and not a piece of gold and silver.

World health is a global health awareness campaign that is celebrated on 7th april every health day is used to creat a possible awareness to the peoples to make their health better to perform any work accurately.

It is controlled by world health organisation and their related bodies.

World health day


The theme for world health Day 2022 is

Our planet ,our earth

7th april is also the day foundation of WHO.

Aims of the world health day:-

.To improve understanding of universal health coverage and important to primary health care as it foundation

.To spur action from individual ,policy maker and health care worker to make universal health care a reality for every one .

.Every one should have the information and services they need to take care of their own health and the health of their families.

.The aim is to spread awareness about good health and remove all the barriers to equal distribution of health to every one.

A life with out health is like a river with out water.


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