Enzymes (Biology)


Enzymes are the globular proteins.All enzymes are protein.
Definition:-Enzymes are the biological catalyst which speed up a chemical reaction .
There are two types of enzymes.
Intracellular enzymes(work with in the cell)
Extracellular enzymes(work out of the cell)
The molecule on which enzymes act is called substrate and converted it into a new molecule called product.
There is small active portion on a enzyme which attaches to the substrate called active site.Active site is flexible structure on enzyme it changes according to substrate.
Some enzymes need support to work they are called cofactors it may be organic or inorganic.
How enzymes make product.
Enzyme+substrate>enzyme-substrate complex-product +enzymes.
Always enzymes separate after the product is formed they start another reaction .
There are 2000 types of enzymes in living organisms.All enzymes specific in there activity.
For example.Enzymes of glycolysis(break down of glucose)never used in krebs cycle or other reaction occur in the body.
Factors that effect enzyme activity .
They are temperature,substrate concentration and PH these three factors increase or decrease the activity of enzymes they should be in optimum range .The optimum range of temperature for enzyme working in human body is 37 degree.
Some important enzymes of human body and there function.
Lipase(breaks fats in our body)
Amylase(breaks starch in our body)
Protease(breaks proteins in our body ) 

Uses .Enzymes used in food,beverages and in industry for many purpose we can not deny the importance of enzymes in our life .life is impossible with out enzymes.


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