Water pollution and its effects on life

 Water pollution is a contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

Industrial Effluents Industrial units are installed to produce the desired substances (chemicals, cloth, leather goods, paper, plastic items, petrochemicals and rubber items) on commercial scale to meet the needs of the society. But unfortunately all the industrial units discharge their wastes (chemicals and solid materials) either to open ground or to water channels. This is called industrial effluent. The industrial effluent may be highly toxic organic chemicals, inorganic salts, heavy metals, mineral acids, oil and greases, etc. On the other hand, water used as cleaning agent in industries is directly discharged out. This water contains all kinds of toxic chemicals and detergents. When these effluents and used water enter lakes, streams, rivers or oceans, they either get dissolved or float suspended in water. Even they get deposited on the bed. This results in the pollution of water, i.e. 

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1.  They deteriorate the quality of water. 

2.  They reduce the quantity of dissolved oxygen which ultimately affects aquatic life and ecosystem

3. They can also seep down and affect the groundwater deposits.They contaminate the water deposits. When this water is used by human beings, it causes serious diseases like cancer and gastro. This polluted water damages soil, crops, plants and animals. 4. Heavy metals like cadmium, lead and mercury are toxic and health hazards for human beings. Acute cadmium poisoning causes high blood pressure, kidney damage and destruction of red blood cells. Acute lead poisoning causes dysfunction of kidneys, liver, brain, central nervous system and reproductive system. Mercury poisoning causes neurological damage.

Domestic Effluents Use of detergents is increasing day by day for cleaning purposes in houses and industries. It is because, detergents have strong cleaning action than that of soap even in hard water. They can work even in acidic solutions. But they have a major disadvantage over the soaps, as some of the detergents are non-biodegradable (cannot be decomposed by microorganisms like bacteria). When household water containing these detergents is discharged in streams, ponds, lakes and rivers, it causes water pollution. The detergent remains in the water for a long time and makes the water unfit for aquatic life. The phosphate salts present in detergents cause rapid growth of algae in water bodies, which floats over the surface of water. These plants ultimately die and decay. Decaying plants being biodegradable consume oxygen gas present in water. Thus, depletion of oxygen gas results in death of aquatic life. Domestic sewage contains a wide variety of dissolved and suspended impurities. They include food and vegetable waste, garbage, cans, bottles, chemical soaps, washing powder, etc. It also contains disease causing microbes. All these substances add to water pollution. Agricultural Effluents

Water pollution due to agricultural waste is because of use of fertilizers and pesticides. Fertilizers are used to make up the deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. of the soil because of intensive cultivation of crops in the recent years.

On the other hand, pesticides are used either directly to kill or control the growth of pests. Pests may be weeds, herbs, insects, fungi, viruses, etc. They all damage crops and transmit diseases both to human beings and other living organisms.

Agricultural effluents have dual effects: 

1.  Intensive cultivation of crops causes these chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides to seep into the groundwater commonly called leaching process. The high nitrate contents in ground water is mainly because of irrigation run-off from agricultural fields.

2.  Run-off from the agricultural land (where fertilizers and pesticides have been used) enters into ponds, streams or rivers. This water contains nitrate (NO3) and phosphates

. These substances

result in a rapid growth of algae, floating over the surface of water. They prevent the sunlight and air (oxygen) to reach upto aquatic life. When algae dies, bacteria consume oxygen of the water for decomposition of algae. As a result oxygen depletes in the water. Aquatic animals feel suffocation and ultimately die due to insufficient supply of oxygen.

Effects of Water Pollution Water pollution has the following effects: 

1.  It is hazardous to human health. Drinking polluted water can cause cholera, typhoid and diarrhea.

2.  The use of polluted water is not only devastating for people but also for animals and birds. 

3.  It causes rapid growth of algae. Death and decomposition of algae causes deficiency of oxygen in water that affects organism living in water.

4.  It is damaging aquatic life, thus breaking a link in food chain.

5. It reduces the aesthetic quality of lakes and rivers. 

 6.It is unfit for cleaning or washing purposes.


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