
Showing posts from March, 2022

Migration and mental health for refugees and role of WHO

 TODAY, more than 3.6 per cent of the world’s population comprises migrants. About 39pc of the total refugee population is hosted by only five countries, Turkey, Colombia, Uganda, Pakistan and Germany. Mental health and refugees Pre-migration: lack of livelihoods and opportunities for education and development, exposure to armed conflict, violence, poverty and/or persecution. Migration travel and transit: exposure to challenging and life-threatening conditions including violence and detention and lack of access to services to cover their basic needs. Post-migration: barriers to accessing health care and other services to meet their basic needs as well as poor living conditions, separation from family members and support networks, possible uncertainty regarding work permits and legal status (asylum application), and in some cases immigration detention. Integration and settlement: poor living or working conditions, unemployment, assimilation difficulties, challenges to cultural, religiou

How we improve our heart health

Human heart  The heart is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood throughout your body. It's the primary organ of your circulatory system. Your heart contains four main sections made of muscle and powered by electrical impulses. Function  Your heart's main function is to move blood throughout your body. Your heart also: Controls the rhythm and speed of your heart rate. Maintains your blood pressure. Signs of unhealthy heart Shortness of breath. ...  Chest discomfort. ...  Left shoulder pain. ...  Irregular heartbeat. ...  Heartburn, stomach pain or back pain. ...  Swollen feet. ...  Lack of stamina. ...  Sexual health problems. How we maintain healthy healthy heart Get moving. Your heart is a muscle and, as with any muscle, exercise is what strengthens it. ... Quit smoking. Quitting smoking is tough. ... Lose weight. Losing weight is more than just diet and exercise. ... Eat heart-healthy foods. ... Don't forget the chocolate. ... Don't overeat. ... Don't stress. Food f

How we control our sugar level

Human sugar level  The blood glucose level is the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose is a sugar that comes from the foods we eat, and it's also formed and stored inside the body. It's the main source of energy for the cells of our body, and it's carried to each cell through the bloodstream. Normal sugar level A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, who haven't eaten for at least eight hours (fasting) is less than 100 mg/dL. A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, two hours after eating is 90 to 110 mg/dL. Lack of physical activity can increase your blood sugar, as skeletal muscles are a main part of the body that uses glucose for energy or stores extra glucose as glycogen for later use. With low levels of physical activity, the muscles become inactive and do not remove glucose efficiently from the blood. Symptom of high sugar level. .Increased thirst .Frequent urination .Blurred vision .Nausea and vomiting .Abdominal pain .Fati

How life starts on earth

Earth evolution  Life Approximately three and a half years ago, microscopic single-celled organisms made of complex organic molecules appeared deep in these new oceans, when the land was still a hostile place dominated by volcanoes. These organisms were the most advanced life-forms on the planet for another three billion years until suddenly (relatively speaking that is), within the period of a few million years, bacteria in the sea began processing carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to produce oxygen. This helped the single-celled microbes in the sea begin to stick to each other and create multi-cellular organisms that grew into animals. Pre life on earth was bacteria These animals began to reproduce, to evolve and eventually, when there was enough oxygen in the atmosphere to protect against the sun's radiation, to crawl onto land. Amphibians, insects, reptiles, mammals and birds all arrived on land, more or less in that order, over the next few hundred million years. At least tha

Sexually transmitted diseases(STD)

 Unhealthy attitudes and low moral values sometimes lead to serious complications.The carrier may transmit this disease to healthy partners. 1.gonorrhoa Its is casued by gram positive bacteria (neisseria gonorrhoeae)mainly affect the mucos membrane of urinogenital tract. New born infants may acquire serious eye infections if they pass through the infected birth canal. Its is highly contagious through sexual contacts Infant infected by gonorrhoa 2.syphilis It is caused by spirochaete,treponema pallidum. It damages the reproductive organ,eye bones joints,central nervous system.Heart and skin is the major source of its spreading. Man body parts infected by syphilis 3.Genital Herpes It is caused by herpes simples type 2 virus ,mostly frequently transmitted by sexual contact causing infection of the prodices genital soreness and ulcer in in infected areas. In infected pregnant woman,virus can be transmitted to infant during birth ,causing damaging to eyes and CNS of the infant.

Rohingya muslims

 Hate for muslims in Rohingya Rohingya muslims The united states of america recognise the victims inflicted on the Burmese Rohingya as genocide is a small but welcome step towards getting justice for what has been described by the UN as the most unsecured  minority in the world. The brutalisation of this community has been a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. Survivors have recounted that, amidst the worst of it, they were pulled from their homes, mutilated, raped and forced to witness children thrown into fires — the inhuman violence begotten by hateful propaganda painting the Rohingya as sub-human ‘intruders’ from Bangladesh. The violence was then normalised through victim-blaming commentary shared widely by bigots on social media, especially Facebook, which did little to stem its spread. Yet, both the Myanmar military and the government denied the atrocities committed against a largely defenceless people and refused accountability. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, then the leader

Oscar awards Holly wood 2022(Coda seeking for award)

Coda movie seeking for award   2022 Academy awards CODA," which began life as an indie drama, benefits from being perceived as "the underdog," an Academy voter said. The Oscars return to Hollywood on Sunday, as nominees from top contending films including "CODA," "The Power of the Dog" and "Belfast" gather in a futuristic, glittering ballroom for the movie industry´s biggest night. After a year away from the Dolby Theatre due to the pandemic, the 94th Academy Awards are back in the heart of Tinseltown, where A-listers who have passed strict Covid-19 testing protocols will walk the red carpet in their finest gowns and tuxedos once again. Dark, psychological Western "The Power of the Dog" had looked set to earn Netflix its much-coveted first best picture statuette, but the race has been flung wide open in the past few weeks. "CODA" -- an uplifting drama from Apple+ TV about an eccentric deaf family, and their musical daught

THE Afghan Taliban’s and girls education

No Education for girls in afghanistan   THE Afghan Taliban’s announcement of the indefinite closure of girls’ schools just two days after their education ministry released a congratulatory video is both disappointing and deeply concerning. On March 21, the Taliban said they would lift a seven-month-old de facto ban on girls’ education from Class 6 onwards and reopen schools on the first day of Afghanistan’s new academic year. Two days later, the Taliban backtracked, saying they were putting in place policies compliant with the “principles of Islamic law and Afghan culture”. One report said the education ministry was facing a shortage of teachers, following the exodus of thousands of Afghans, many among them trained teachers, after the Taliban’s triumphant march into Kabul last August. A senior Taliban figure said the schools would be reopened after a “standardised uniform” for girls was introduced that reflected the Afghan culture. But there was also a report suggesting deep divisions

How we make our skin healthy

 your glowing puts good impression on others at first look. Glowing skin How we make our skin healthy and shinning. Diet and supplement. Supplements: Vitamin C: is very good for our skin and also makes our immune system strong .we can take it through food or through food we must eat citrus fruits like orange etc Vitamin C food Vitamin c supplement available on pharmacy  .One tablet daily 500mg Vitamin C supplement Evion supplement: .Vitamin E reduce your hair fall .It repair your skin damages. .will reduce your oldness Dosage .take 2 tablets in a week 400 mg. Diet plan:- Almonds :-use soaked almonds 8 to 10 before breakfast . It also reduce your oldness. It makes your heart strong. Soaked almonds Honey  Mix two teaspoons in water or milk and drink Honey  Detox water.obse people use detox water before going to sleep. Use fresh salad vegetable daily. Detox water Dates:-eat three dates daily. Dates Avoid following foods:- .Fast food .Fried food  .Cold drinks Thanks for reading. 0302560085

Maiden tower of turkey

  Maiden tower of turkey

Weight loss through diet and exercise


Reko dik mine

  what is being described as a breakthrough, Barrick Gold Corp has agreed to restart the suspended Reko Diq mine project in Balochistan’s Chaghi district, following a settlement with Pakistan on the framework to reconstitute the agreement after 10 years of legal battles and negotiations. The reconstituted agreement allows the Canadian company’s Chilean partner, Antofagasta Plc, to exit the project by withdrawing from its claim of $3.9bn in place of a payment of $900m. The two companies have won an award of around $11bn from an international arbitration court against Pakistan’s decision denying their joint venture a licence to develop Reko Diq. The government claims that the agreement will help it avoid the penalty, besides bringing in an investment of $10bn and creating 8,000 new jobs in the province. Under the new arrangement, Barrick gets half the project while Balochistan and federal state-owned firms will each hold 25pc of the remaining half. Barrick will get a mining lease, an exp

The ''mis'' fired missile

Indian mis fired missile on pakistan on 9 march 2022 On 9 March evening, an Indian missile crashed in Pakistani territory causing minor damage to property. Thankfully, there was no loss of life, disruption of air traffic or risk to any strategic facility. However, the incident was potentially extremely dangerous as it could have triggered a response from Pakistan, leading to a major conflagration between two nuclear powers. Pakistan is, therefore, fully justified in expressing serious concern over this incident while also asking the international community to act against such irresponsible Indian behaviour. According to the statement by the Director General of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) on 9 March, “At 6:43 pm a high speed flying object was picked up inside the Indian territory by the Air Defence Operation Centre of the Pakistan Air Force” and “from its initial course, the object suddenly maneuvered towards the Pakistani territory and violated Pakistan’s airspace before ult

مسلمان اور رمضان

 A.o.A Advance ramzaan mubarak Kindly share to all muslims تمام مسلمان رمضان کے بابرکت مہینے کا بے تابی سے انتظار کر رہے ہیں کیونکہ اس مقدس ماہ کی عبادتوں سے ایک نیکی کے بدلے ہزار نیکیوں کا ثواب ملتا ہے، اس ماہ مبارک میں مسلمان خصوصی عبادت کا اہتمام کرتے ہیں جن میں نماز تراویح سمیت اعتکاف بھی شامل ہے۔ کویت کے ماہر فلکیات عادل المرزوق نے کہا ہے کہ شوال کا چاند یکم مئی کو نہیں دیکھا جاسکے گا کیونکہ یہ غروب آفتاب سے 17 منٹ پہلے غروب ہوجائے گا، اس لیے رمضان المبارک 30 دن کا ہوگا اور عیدالفطر 2 مئی کو ہوگی۔ عادل المرزوق نے اس بات پر زور دیا کہ اگر جائز نظریہ سے ثابت ہوجائے اور جو اعداد وشمار بیان کیے گئے ہیں تو سال 1443 کے رمضان المبارک کا آغاز ہفتہ 2 اپریل 2022 کوہوگا۔ انہوں نے مزید بتایا کہ رمضان کے پہلے روزے کا دورانیہ 14 گھنٹے اور 53 منٹ ہوگا۔ انہوں نے واضح کیا کہ رواں سال رمضان المبارک 30 روز پر مشتمل ہوگا لہذا کویت میں عیدالفطر 2 مئی 2022 بروز پیر کے دن ہوگی۔ دوسری جانب  پاکستان میں ماہ رمضان المبارک  کا آغاز 3 اپریل سے ہونے کا قوی امکان ہے، محکمہ موسمیات نے 29 شعبان بروز ہفتہ

(سرخ ترک ٹوپی کی تاریخ اور ماخذ)History and origin of turk red cap

 History and Origins of the Red Turkish Cap: Ottoman History is very unique and charming. But what makes it a lot more outstanding is the clothing of the Ottoman Society. In which prominent of them is the Turkish Cap, known as the Fez. In this Article we will explore deep into the origins of this unique cap. A long time ago, in the land of Fez in Modern day Morocco it was invented. Slowly it became a daily part of the lives of African Muslims. In Fact, The African Continent Was A Province of Ottoman Empire. African Muslims respected the Ottoman Turks and considered the Ottoman Sultans as Their Caliphs. During the Era of Mahmud some envoys from Africa came to his Court. They Presented a “Gift” to Their Caliph. And that “Gift” was The Fez Cap. Mahmud was so pleased with that precious gift that he wore that cap as his crown. He also ordered his Soldiers and Ministers to wear this cap. Mahmud  issued a new law known as “The Dress Code”.   In which it was Compulsory for His Soldiers, minist

RUSSIA’s invasion of Ukraine (یوکرین پر روس کا حملہ)

RUSSIA’s invasion of Ukraine has unleashed a host of global anxieties. But it has also given rise to a growing cultural discomfort, felt strongest in many parts of the Global South that is no stranger to either the universality or destructiveness of global conflict. یوکرین پر روس کے حملے نے عالمی پریشانیوں کو جنم دیا ہے۔ لیکن اس نے ایک بڑھتی ہوئی ثقافتی تکلیف کو بھی جنم دیا ہے، جو گلوبل ساؤتھ کے بہت سے حصوں میں سب سے زیادہ مضبوط محسوس ہوا جو عالمی تنازعات کی آفاقیت یا تباہ کنیت کے لیے کوئی اجنبی نہیں ہے۔ Some of the unease in these countries is a product of the hard geopolitical choices that East-West tensions are forcing on smaller states. Nearly all the countries that did not endorse a UNGA resolution demanding Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine are in the Global South. But the global reaction to a war in Europe has also been racially and culturally alienating to many countries that have borne the brunt of great power wars, only to see their experiences turned into fodder for tropes ab

Rise of the Ottoman Empire(Episode 1)English and urdu article

 Rise of The Ottoman Empire. At The Start of The 13th Century. Osman I Established a Small Beylik that would In later Ages would Out Maneuver Their Neighbors to Become The Vast Ottoman Empire. We will know that how it got established and how This Empire Become the SuperPower of the World. تیرویں صدی کے آغاز میں۔ عثمان اول نے ایک چھوٹا سا بیلیک قائم کیا جو بعد کے زمانے میں اپنے پڑوسیوں کو وسیع عثمانی سلطنت بننے کے لیے تیار کرے گا۔ ہمیں معلوم ہوگا کہ یہ کیسے قائم ہوئی اور یہ سلطنت دنیا کی سپر پاور کیسے بنی۔ During Osman’s Time, The Anatolian Peninsula Which is Now Turkey, was a patchwork of Different Empires and Civilizations. Some Prominent of them were The Crumbling Byzantine Empire and The Weakened Sultanate of Seljuk’s of Rum. عثمان کے زمانے میں، جزیرہ نما اناطولیہ جو کہ اب ترکی ہے، مختلف سلطنتوں اور تہذیبوں کا گٹھ جوڑ تھا۔ ان میں سے کچھ نمایاں تھے The crumbling بازنطینی سلطنت اور The Weekened Sultanate of Seljuk's of Rum۔ In 1299, after Establishing a Beylik, Osman Continued hi