
Showing posts from April, 2022

Artificial selection of living organisms

 The term “artificial selection” was expressed by the Persian scientist Abu Rayhan Biruni in the 11th century. Charles Darwin also used this term in his work on natural selection. He noted that many domesticated animals and plants had special properties that were developed by: •  Intentional breeding among individuals with desirable characteristics; and •  Discouraging the breeding of individuals with less desirable characteristics Artificial selection (or selective breeding) means intentional breeding between individuals for certain traits, or combination of traits. Selective breeding has revolutionized agricultural and livestock production throughout the world. Animals or plants having desirable characteristics are selected for breeding. In this way, many new generations with desirable characteristics are produced. In artificial selection, the bred animals are known as breeds, while bred plants are known as varieties or cultivars. Numerous breeds of sheep, goat, cow, hen etc. have be

Water pollution and its effects on life

 Water pollution is a contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Industrial Effluents Industrial units are installed to produce the desired substances (chemicals, cloth, leather goods, paper, plastic items, petrochemicals and rubber items) on commercial scale to meet the needs of the society. But unfortunately all the industrial units discharge their wastes (chemicals and solid materials) either to open ground or to water channels. This is called industrial effluent. The industrial effluent may be highly toxic organic chemicals, inorganic salts, heavy metals, mineral acids, oil and greases, etc. On the other hand, water used as cleaning agent in industries is directly discharged out. This water contains all kinds of toxic chemicals and detergents. When these effluents and used water enter lakes, streams,

History of economy

  History of economics Economics is the science that concerns itself with economies; that is, it studies how societies produce goods and services as well as how they consume them. It has influenced global finance at many important junctions throughout history and is a vital part of our everyday lives. However, the assumptions that guide the study of economics have changed dramatically throughout history. Here we take just a brief look at the history of modern economic thought. What we present is just a narrow snapshot, which focuses primarily on Western European and American strands of thought.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Economics is the science of how goods and services are produced and consumed.  Adam Smith used the ideas of French writers to create a thesis on how economies should work, while Karl Marx and Thomas Malthus expanded on his work—focusing on how scarcity drives economies. Leon Walras and Alfred Marshall used statistics and mathematics to express economic concepts, such as economies

How nitrogen recycle in our environment

 Nitrogen is an important component of many biomolecules, like proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Atmosphere is the reservoir of free gaseous nitrogen. Living organisms cannot pickup this gaseous nitrogen directly from atmosphere (except for nitrogen fixing bacteria). It has to be converted into nitrates to be utilized by plants. Nitrogen cycling involves several stages: a- Formation of Nitrates It is done by the following ways: i. Nitrogen Fixation Conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrates is called nitrogen fixation. It occurs in the following ways.  •  Thunderstorms and lightning convert atmospheric gaseous nitrogen to oxides of nitrogen. These oxides dissolve in water and form nitrous acid and nitric acid. The acids in turn combine with other salts to produce ‘nitrates’. It is called as atmospheric nitrogen fixation. •  Some bacteria also have the ability to transform gaseous nitrogen into nitrates. It is called biological nitrogen fixation. Some of these nitrogen fixing bact

Basic Information about Dengue Fever

 Basic Information about Dengue Fever Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted through a mosquito Aedes aegypti. It has become a major health problem in tropical and sub-tropical countries, including Pakistan. There are four types of dengue virus. Recovery from infection by one provides lifelong immunity against that virus but provides no protection against infection by the other three viruses. According to the World Health Organization, there are 50 million dengue infections worldwide every year. Now, there are 2.5 billion people at risk from dengue. The female Aedes mosquito gets the virus when it bites an infected person. When an infected mosquito bites another person, viruses enter his / her blood and attack white blood cells. Inside WBCs, viruses reproduce and destroy them. In severe cases, the virus affects liver and bone marrow. As a result there is a decrease in the production of blood platelets and patient suffers from bleeding. Other symptoms of dengue include high fever

Water pollution and its effects

 It is the change in the composition of water by the addition of harmful substances. Water pollution severely affects the health of people. Sewage is one of the major pollutants of water. It contains organic matter and the excreta of human and other animals. Organic matter encourages the growth of microorganisms which spread diseases. The wastes of industries (acids, alkalis, dyes and other chemicals) are disposed in nearby water bodies. These wastes change the pH of water and are harmful or even fatal to aquatic organisms. Certain industries release a lot of hot water from their cooling plants. It results in heating up of water bodies and kills aquatic life. Fertilizers and pesticides enter into water bodies with the rain water flow and the ground water by seepage. These chemicals remain in water for a long time and can enter food chains. They cause a number of diseases in animals. Oil tankers and offshore petroleum refineries cause oil leakage into water. Oil floats on the water surf

How acid rain forms and its effect on living things.

Acid rain  Acid rain: When oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen mix with rain water and forms sulphuric acid and nitric acid its is called acid rain. Causes of acid rain. We use fossils fuel in our automobiles and factories to power them by the burning of this fuel oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen released in to our atmosphere and became the part of atmosphere . These are very dangerous air pollutant which cause of acid rain. How acid rain forms: When oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen combines with rain water they form sulphuric acid and nitric acid .These acid comes into our earth in the form of acid rain .And we called this rain the acid rain because it is the mixture of water and acid . Effects of acid rain : Aquatic life:Acid rain badly effects our aquatic life because it changes the PH of water which was neutral before acid rain and after rain this water becomes acid because acid rain changes its PH. The aquatic life like fishes etc start to die .it badly effect

Russian Desman(Endangered species)

Russian Desman  RUSSIAN DESMAN Animal: Russian Desman Class: Mammalia (Mammal) Species: Desmana moschata Status: Endangered Population Trend: Decreasing The Russian Desman is more or less what you'd get if you imagined crossing a platypus with a mole, and then gave it eyes that looked perpetually ally shocked. This semiaquatic native to Kazakh- stan, Russia, and maybe even Ukraine, spends its days messing around in whatever floodplains it can find its way into! As of right now, only about eight thousand to ten thousand desmans are still wildin' out in these areas, classifying them as Endangered. Dreading Droughts Since around the early twentieth century, these bizarre little furballs have been steadily decreasing because of land reclamation, construction  and poaching. Not to mention A LOT of droughts, which have really ruined the desman's day. This desman lives in an ambient temperature that drastically changes from season to season, so they're pretty good at adapting,

European Hamster(Endanger species)

European Hamster  EUROPEAN HAMSTER Animal: European Hamster, aka Common Hamster Class: Mammalia (Mammal) Species: Cricetus cricetus Status: Critically Endangered Population Trend: Decreasing Yup, you guessed it-these little beans are the wild relatives of the pet hamster you might have had growing up! They look like your typical hamster but mixed with a red panda because of their blotchy reddish-blackish coat. While the European Hamster is just as cute and chonky as its domesticated cousin, it is definitely not as snuggly. They are quite ferocious, even though they weigh only 1 pound (0.453 kilograms). But wow, are they cute! From "Common" to Not So Much The European Hamster, also called the Common Hamster, is actually not all that "common" any- more. Sadly, it recently went from Least Concern to Critically Endangered. While the European Hamster used to be found in cereal fields on löss (loess)/loamy soils and in natural steppes, the intensification of agriculture,

Top ten universities of world

The times higher education world university ranking 2022 include more than 1600 universities across 99 countries this the latest top ten universities of the world . 1.Massachusetts institute Country: united state of America of oxford Country: united kingdom 3.Stanford university Country:united states of america of cambriage Country:united kingdom 5.Harvard university Country:united states of america 6.california institute of technology Country:united states of america 7.Imperial college London Country:united kingdom 8.ETH zurich Country:switzerland 9.UCL Country:united kingdom of Chicago Country:united states of america

Enzymes (Biology)

Enzymes Enzymes are the globular proteins.All enzymes are protein. Definition:-Enzymes are the biological catalyst which speed up a chemical reaction . There are two types of enzymes. Intracellular enzymes(work with in the cell) Extracellular enzymes(work out of the cell) The molecule on which enzymes act is called substrate and converted it into a new molecule called product. There is small active portion on a enzyme which attaches to the substrate called active site.Active site is flexible structure on enzyme it changes according to substrate. Some enzymes need support to work they are called cofactors it may be organic or inorganic. How enzymes make product. Enzyme+substrate>enzyme-substrate complex-product +enzymes. Always enzymes separate after the product is formed they start another reaction . There are 2000 types of enzymes in living organisms.All enzymes specific in there activity. For example.Enzymes of glycolysis(break down of glucose)never used in krebs cycle or other re

Nanotechnology the wonder of the century

fatima Nanotechnology.the wonder of the century. Thanks to this technology, where at present a soldier has to carry ten to fifteen kilograms of luggage, the Merozan will be reduced to only ten to fifteen grams. Human life is about to undergo a revolution that is unimaginable. Companies from all over the world have started making different products using nanotechnology. In view of the rapid revolution in the world of technology, scientists are now claiming that in ten to twenty years, technology has evolved to such an extent that changes will be evident in every home. Scientists explain that TVs will be even earlier than paper and floors will be self-cleaning with the help of this technology. ۔ Powerful computers will be cheaper and smaller in size. Items in the house in a very short time according to our mood and need I changed and went. At first glance, these claims may seem like a dream, but in the race for technology, if you look at the past, there is no room for doubt. In light of

A baby has been born green instead of normal at a bull dog(interesting information)

  Author(mehreen khan fatima) A baby has been born green instead of normal at a bull dog. In Canada, a baby has been born green instead of normal at a bull dog. The 3-year-old pet bull dog "Fariya" gave birth to eight offspring at Trevor and Odramosher in the Canadian province of No da Scania, but the dog's owner immediately noticed something unusual about one of the newborns. After deliberation, it was found that the skin of one of the 8 children was green. The owner of Fariya says that we are surprised to see a green baby. After a week, the green color will start to disappear automatically. So we immediately googled it and found out that they are very rare in the world and such children are rarely born. However, experts believe that a few weeks later his color change automatically. Pearl came into the mouth of a man while eating sea food. Thousands of dollars worth of pearls came into the mouth of a man while eating food in a hotel in America. The married couple was eat

World health day 2022

 It is the health that is real wealth and not a piece of gold and silver. World health is a global health awareness campaign that is celebrated on 7th april every health day is used to creat a possible awareness to the peoples to make their health better to perform any work accurately. It is controlled by world health organisation and their related bodies. World health day Theme:- The theme for world health Day 2022 is Our planet ,our earth 7th april is also the day foundation of WHO. Aims of the world health day:- .To improve understanding of universal health coverage and important to primary health care as it foundation .To spur action from individual ,policy maker and health care worker to make universal health care a reality for every one . .Every one should have the information and services they need to take care of their own health and the health of their families. .The aim is to spread awareness about good health and remove all the barriers to equal distribution of he

World water day(پانی کا عالمی دن)

Water world day 22 march JUST three years... That’s the time left before taps in the country probably run dry as Pakistan faces “absolute water scarcity”, warn experts. With over 80pc of the population already facing “severe water scarcity” for at least one month a year, by 2040, the UN predicts, critical shortages will affect each and every person in the country. The warning is not new. Neither is the fact that the water level in Tarbela dam has reached dead level well before summer. And yet, there is no sense of urgency or even a half-hearted attempt at salvaging matters. Our own National Water Policy states that the “water crisis is descending like a thunderbolt”. It highlights the fast depletion of our groundwater, which is responsible for meeting 70pc of our national and 50pc agricultural needs, according to the World Bank. The extent of reliance on groundwater for water-intensive farming can be assessed by the fact that over 95pc of the total water available is consumed by this s

Is our climate changing?

Climate change effect the whole world   Is Our Climate Changing? Climate change is an entirely natural process that occurs over time. The Earth's climate C has many was a when the temperature on Earth had dropped so low that it was covered with ice. Today, many scientists think that the Earth's temperature is increasing. This increase is largely due to us and the things that we do. Of course, it is difficult to separate climate change which is natural, from one that is brought about by us and our activities How is it possible that we can change the climate? If we look closely at what we have been doing to keep ourselves comfortable and to produce food and the things we use everyday, we will better understand how we can bring about climate change. We are highly dependent on electricity in almost all areas of our lives. To make electricity, coal, natural gas or oil is burnt. Burning of these fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When there is a